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3 Ways To Get Glowing Skin

Has your skincare cabinet grown larger and larger but you’re not seeing the results you want? As product recommendations flood every social media outlet, it is hard to know what products and routines will actually work for your skin. No matter your age or profession, achieving glowing skin is on the top of the list for many. But what actually works? Should you be slugging every night? Is retinol truly the miracle product destined to keep you looking 25 forever?

Aging is a privilege, but so many of us fear the presence of wrinkles as society shoves youth down our throats. We should instead focus on healthy, glowing skin and learning to love the aging process, because how beautiful is it that we are able to live such long lives? Rather than hoping to chase away wrinkles and fine lines, let’s yearn for glowing, hydrated, and healthy skin with these three tips.

1. Eat your way to the glow.

Healthy skin doesn’t just boost your self-esteem: It’s also an indicator of good health. Healthy food is the pathway to a healthy life. To achieve a glow both on the inside and the outside, start your morning with flax oatmeal, packed with omega 3’s, followed by coconut yogurt and a spinach smoothie to boost your iron levels. Small amounts of sugar are OK in your diet, but avoid high amounts that sneak into sodas, packaged snacks, and alcoholic beverages. Vitamins play an important role in your body’s function, and it is important to ask your doctor to check your blood levels at your next yearly exam to ensure that all of the proper nutrients you’re consuming are absorbed into your bloodstream properly.

If you’re passionate about improving the vitamin industry with your innovative formula, designing private label vitamins is now easier than ever, as Makers Nutrition handles the manufacturing, label design, packaging, and order fulfillment. Offering competitive pricing and high-quality ingredients, this is the ideal one-stop-shop to create a top-shelf product.

2. Dive in with glow-enhancing acids.

No, no, we’re not talking acid as in the kind that makes you see things that maybe … aren’t there. We’re talking lactic, glycolic, kojic, and salicylic acid. The skincare industry has truly nailed down the many products that can sweep away old acne marks and hydrate fine lines from when you raise your eyebrow at your sassy grandma one too many times at Thanksgiving dinner. You can create an extremely effective at-home skincare routine by understanding your skin type and your skincare goals. Most skin falls within a dry, normal, or oily range. For those with oily and acne-prone skin, start with a beta hydroxy acid face wash like benzoyl peroxide, followed by a serum with an alpha hydroxy acid like glycolic or retinoid-like adapalene. If you have dry or more mature skin, opt for a hydrating cleanser followed by a toner, then add in lactic acid and never forget to moisturize and use SPF sunscreen every morning!

For some, the perfect at-home routine is still not quite as effective as they are hoping for. A professional chemical peel is an extremely beneficial step to take in order to combat scars and hyperpigmentation that so many of us fight for years to remove.

3. Visit your dermatologist.

For some of us, poor skin is always by our side no matter how much water we drink, how many facials we get, or how often we clean our pillowcases. Sometimes, the key lies in visiting a professional. Often, they are able to pinpoint a factor that has been detrimental to our skin that we may never have thought of. Sometimes, calling in extra help and trying a prescription will be a total skin-saver.

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