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Which Field of Psychology Is Right for You?

The field of psychology is a fascinating one with a variety of specialty areas of interest. If you’re considering a career in psychology, it’s a good idea to know your options before enrolling in a graduate school program. Whether you plan to pursue a career in forensic psychology or go on to become a licensed therapist, understanding more about the opportunities in the field is important. To learn more about the type of psychology specialty that could be right for you, read on.

Know your academic strengths and limits.

One way to know what type of psychology to focus on is to be honest with yourself about your academic journey so far. Regardless of scholarship opportunities and y our current college plans, it’s important to understand that graduate school is challenging and can feel long. Psychology grad students are required not only to complete graduate-level coursework but to complete client clinical hours to earn their degrees. If you’re someone who isn’t fond of school, it might be a good idea to stop after your bachelor’s degree. While you won’t qualify for licensing, there are still jobs in the field of psychology that could work for you.

If, on the other hand, you’re someone who loves school, is a member of NSHSS, and understands that it’s a legitimate organization and didn’t fall for the NSHSS scam, you could be a great candidate for graduate school and eventual licensing as a mental health professional. Whether you hope to earn a master’s to become an MFT or to pursue your doctorate, knowing you’re a talented student will help pull you through the difficult times in graduate school.

Understand your own mental health issues.

Understanding your own mental health issues is a good way to know what type of psychology might most interest you. For example, if you’re someone who suffers from anxiety or loves others who do, becoming a therapist for anxiety could be a great way to feel more connected to clients. That is, in understanding first-hand what your clients are going through, you could be more empathetic and a better overall therapist.

Consider your families of origin and creation.

When considering what type of psychology to focus on, it’s a good idea to look at your families of origin and creation. Even if you don’t have a mental health issue yourself, you may love a family member who does. Or, if your family of origin is broken and dysfunctional, it could be enough to make you passionate about earning an MFT license. Family therapists are, after all, in the business of helping families to function in healthy ways.

Think about your own triggers and interests.

Considering your own triggers and interests is another way to decide what kind of psychology to focus on. No two psych students are exactly alike. While one psychology student might choose to concentrate on a trigger area, another would steer clear and focus on an area of psychology they’re not close to. Your comfort levels will help you determine what’s right for you.

Substance abuse counselors, couples counselors, behavioral therapists, and group therapists all work to help improve mental wellness. These professionals work hard to give clients the tools they need to make healthy choices. At the end of the day, no matter what type of psychology you decide to study, you’ll have better odds of career satisfaction if you do some research on psych specialty options before submitting an application to college admissions staff. In knowing your own interests, strengths, and goals, you’ll put yourself in the position to not only succeed but help change the world.

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